President's message
Welcome to the Arcadia teachers association (new and updated) website.
We are in this together!
It is my honor and privilege to serve as President for the amazing, hard working, and dedicated teachers who make up our bargaining unit.
We are super excited for the year ahead and all the opportunities we'll have to support each other, promote our profession, and serve our students and families.
ATA represents close to 380 teachers across AUSD - all with unique lived experiences, needs, interests, priorities, values, concerns, job realities, etc
Our job is to strive for balance, equity, and common ground - not an easy task. We’ll keep at it.
ATA isn’t just the Executive Officers or the Executive Board or the Representative Council - ATA is an association of almost 380 educators - so when someone asks ‘What has ATA done?’ it’s everything the collective has done in support of a friend, neighbor, team member, colleague, the Association as a whole - A LOT! More than we’ll probably ever know.
We are in this together!!!!
In solidarity,
Kevin Fox